

Blogging A to Z

 Blogging is something that improves your skill of understanding, the skill of research, writing, and vocabulary. It isn't just about money it also gives you value you can improve yourself and of course you are going to make a lot of money as well if you can manage it well.  

Blogging A to Z

  There are some things you need to know while you are doing blogging


Remember if you are not doing anything, you deserve no value. Take an example of any successful people in the world anyone who survived here did something. Whenever you do something consistent with your full attention you will get excellence very soon. So don't be lazy.


Domain selection can be a crucial part of your blogging career. If you are using a subdomain like Blogspot that's ok, but in SEO point of view, you should buy a .com domain. So while you are choosing a domain try to choose a short and simple domain so that people can remember that easily. There are lots of sites where you can buy a domain but the most trusting sites are GoDaddy and Bigrock.


People attract more when they see some related pictures while reading a blog. Believe it or vidual create a good impact. It will be better if you could add some related pictures to your posts. 

But NEVER use any other's images. Adding other's images will put you in trouble in many ways. Your blog will not be able to monetize and are a high chance of getting copyright issues. So be careful and always try to use your own pictures, you can create by using PicsArt or pictures from copyright free sites like pexel.com and pixabay can be used


Your own unique style of writing should always be the first priority along with that you also should know other types of Writing which are on trending nowadays. There are

  • Lists

For example 15 wonderful place to visit in India, 7 Morning habits for good health, 20 best bollywood movies.

  • How-to tutorials

e.g. How to make money online, how to cook paneer, how make a good presentation

  • Comparison

You write Blog by comparing two or more things and in conclusion give your opinion. e.g. Amazon vs flipkart

  • Common questions answers

Collect some most frequently asked questions about a particular topic. Simply put the questions in headings and write a brief description followed by them. 

  • Case study

Case study can be about different companies, individuals or some organization which will inspire others and they will learn something out of it.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is as crucial as your content without this it's difficult to rank and eventually nobody can find your post or website for that matter. Below some tips are related to SEO.
  1. Responsive theme
  2. Internal linking
  3. Permalink
  4. Meta description
  5. Tags
  6. Rename image according to your post
  7. Outbound links (if necessary)
  8. Table of content

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If you do understand the Hindi language watch this video 

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