

List of Top search engine with their ranks

 In simple word we can say that a search engine is a mediator between the information givers and information seekers. In another word it is a software which allow internet user to search their query through it and provides best results that matches. There are a lot of different search engines  present on the internet like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. Let's have a look what are the most popular search engine in the world with their ranking.

#1. Google

In 1996 Google was created as a research project by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. They wanted to sell Google back in 1999 to Excite company for $750,000 and the offer was rejected by Excite company and now Google is ruling over the internet. I think I don't need to explain more about Google because you all know more about Google, Right !

#2. Youtube

In 2005 YouTube was created by three former PayPal employees - Chad Hurley, Steven Chen and Jawed Karim. A year later in November 2016 Google bought YouTube in 1.65 billion dollar. Now YouTube is the second most searching platform after Google. YouTube feeds over 1 billion hour of video each day to user as of writing this. The first ever video that was uploaded on YouTube was a 19 second clip of co-founder Jawed Karim at a zoo. Here it is check it out 👇 https://youtu.be/jNQXAC9IVRw

#3. Bing

Microsoft Bing was launched back in 2009 like Google Bing also filters search result into different tab such as web, image, video, maps. Unlike Google beings homepage always features a stunning cover image and news stories.

#4. Yahoo

The company was founded by Jerry Yang and David filo in 1994 some report says Yahoo stands for "Yet Another Hierarchical organised Oracle." The story of Yahoo is as interesting as it is embarrassing, back in 1998 Google founder Larry Page and Sergey Brin wanted to sell Google to Yahoo for 1 million dollar but Yahoo rejected despite of that Yahoo mail lost to Gmail, Yahoo answer lost to Quora and Yahoo flickr lost to Instagram.


Today Yahoo's search engine is actually powered by Microsoft Bing.

#5. Baidu

Baidu is a Chinese search engine very similar to Google in fact Baidu is the dominant search engine in China. Outside of China it holds a little influence. It was founded in 2000 and its headquarter is in Beijing.

#6. DuckDuckGo

Now a day companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter are reaching your privacy they are hungry for your private data for selling them to advertiser. To get rid of that duckduckgo is a wonderful of option. It protect your privacy and allow you to search anonymously. It never collects or store your personal data or follow you around with ads.

It means if you search for laptop you won't have to spend the next two weeks being bombarded with a laptop advertisement. Sounds good, right 

So would you like to consider other search engines such as Duckduckgo ? Let us know in the comment section below. Thanks you ❤️