

What beauty means to you ?


I think beauty means "Inner peace, happiness, confidence, smile, a kind heart, loving and caring."

Everyone is unique, everyone was not born the same, and we're not meant to be the same, and that's what makes us beautiful. You are beautiful in your own way. The mirror doesn't lie, but it can never show what's inside your heart. 

   Children are grown with their own goals but believe it or not society appreciate more about how they look rather than what they can be and that's exactly they slowly start thinking more about the way they look and less about their goal and ambition. We all know whatever we say to our young child has a great impact on the rest of their life. "Don't judge a book by its cover" is a great saying, then why we do that with our children. From the very young age especially, girls are being feed with the concept that they matter by the way they look, they have already heard enough from everywhere. So next time when you are about to give compliment, call them kind and confident.

    I know we all want a perfect life where everything will go as we want, but it's only possible in day-dream. No matter how big or small your position is, there are always ups and downs, so I believe inner peace is the only perfect condition for anyone, and it develops through our activities. Help others, make people smile, appreciate for their good work, talk with others sweetly, let them feel great for whatever they are. These are not difficult at all and believe me it's a wonderful life.